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Radicalisation and Extremism: the PREVENT Duty

What is Prevent?

Prevent is part of the Government’s wider counter-terrorism strategy known as CONTEST. It aims to reduce the risk to the UK and its interests overseas from terrorism and is made up of four key areas.

  • protect: to strengthen our protection against a terrorist attack.
  • prepare: to mitigate the impact of a terrorist attack.
  • pursue: to stop terrorist attacks.
  • prevent: to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism.

The Prevent Programme sets out how we tackle the ideological causes that lead to radicalisation, intervene early to support those who are susceptible to radicalisation and rehabilitate those who have already engaged in terrorism. Recognising and referring individuals who show signs of vulnerability is not about criminal prosecutions, it’s about guiding them away from possibly committing a crime or hurting themselves or others. 

What is radicalisation?

Radicalisation can happen when a person develops extreme views or beliefs that support terrorist groups or activities. There are many ways that a person could become radicalised, and people can become exposed to radicalising influences in person or online.

A person’s susceptibility to radicalisation may be linked to their vulnerability. A person can be vulnerable if they need special care, support or protection because of age, disability, risk of abuse or neglect.

Common signs of radicalisation may include:

  • Accessing extremist content online or downloading propaganda material.
  • Justifying the use of violence to solve societal issues.
  • Altering their style of dress or appearance to accord with an extremist group.
  • Being unwilling to engage with people who they see as different.
  • Using certain symbols associated with terrorist organisations.

What is Channel?

Channel is about early intervention to protect vulnerable people from being drawn into committing terrorist-related activity and addresses all types of extremism. 

Any individuals who are identified as being vulnerable to radicalisation are referred to a multi-agency Channel Panel. This ensures the appropriate interventions are put in place to protect the individual. Like child protection, Channel is a multi-agency safeguarding programme run in every local authority in England and Wales. It works to support vulnerable people from being drawn into terrorism. It provides a range of support such as mentoring, counselling, assistance with employment etc.

Prevent duty training: Learn how to support people susceptible to radicalisation

This is can be directly accessed for non-London Borough Bromley Staff via this link, for London Borough Bromley Staff please access via Evolve

How do I report my concerns?

If you are concerned that someone you know is at risk of becoming radicalised and/or involved in terrorism, you can:

  • Call the ACT Early Support Line on 0800 011 3764 - share your concerns in confidence with specially trained officers.
  • Call the Anti-Terrorism Hotline on 0880 789 321 - anonymously report possible terrorist or extremist activity.
  • Use the National Prevent Referral form to raise a concern and send to PreventReferrals@Met.PNN.Police.UK

For further information please visit the Bromley Council website here.


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