How you can help
“Safeguarding is everyone’s business”

We all want to live well and be safe in our communities. Sadly, we know there are people who are more vulnerable and at greater risk of abuse and neglect.
Safeguarding is a term we use to protect the health, wellbeing and human rights of individuals, which allow people to live free from abuse, harm and neglect. We are working hard in Bromley to make safeguarding everyone’s business so that together we can better support and protect those most at risk.
The Bromley Safeguarding Adults Board is responsible for making sure there are the right services in place to keep vulnerable adults safe from harm and abuse. It is made up of health and social care professionals and the police. The Board also has representation from private, voluntary and independent organisations.
We are asking for views on whether we are on the right track, what matters to you about safeguarding and how we work together to keep people safe. Your views will help us to agree what we must focus on.
We will use this information to improve the resourcing and delivery of services and to comply with our statutory and legal obligations. Responses to the survey are confidential and no personal information is relayed to those who directly provide services for you. Information about how the council uses and protects personal data and about personal data rights is available at
You can access the survey here.
You can also download and print a copy of the survey here.