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Bromley SAB

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Easy Read materials

Here you will find easy read documents to help you with understanding the services and information that are available to you.


BSAB Annual Report 2022-23 EASY READ

BSAB Annual Report 2022-23 VIDEO


BSAB 2020-21 Annual Report

BSAB Annual Report 2021-22 VIDEO


Posters available for downloading, printing and sharing

Domestic Abuse information poster:


Modern Day Slavery information poster: 

Moving from children's services to adult services information poster:

Self-Neglect information poster:

Vulnerable adult in specialist care and residential homes information poster:


Safeguarding Adults with Learning Disabilities

Safeguarding Adults with Learning Disabilities information pack is to help Partnership Boards work well to stop abuse from happening and help people who have been abused.

Safeguarding adults with LD thumbnail


An Autistic Guide to Healthy Relationships


Advocacy for All Leaflets

Independent Advocacy under the Care Act 2014


IMCA - Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy Service


Relevant Person’s Representative (RPR)


Bromley Learning Disabilities and Difficulties Adult Day Services June 2021

This easy read guide gives you information about the different learning disability and difficulty hubs in Bromley.


Mencap - benefits explained

Mencap explains what social security benefits are useful for and why you should receive them. 

Mencap Benefits explained thumbnail


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