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Bromley SAB

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A statutory requirement of the Safeguarding Adults Board is to develop a strategic plan to ensure that partners work together to keep vulnerable adults in Bromley safe. To do this, we review the work which has been achieved so far, and together with our members decide on what we need to do, whilst ensuring we work together with the community. 

Although our strategy focuses on some thematic priorities, safeguarding all vulnerable adults is important to us, which is why we like to hear from you. This can be from completing online surveys we may have on here, sharing your experiences with the BSAB team, or sharing feedback on the contact information provided on the how we can help page.  

BSAB 2024-25 Business Plan

The BSAB 2024-25 Business Plan is a revision of last year's strategy that was developed by auditing the Board’s current position of meeting its statutory requirements, seeking the views of both its partners and members of the public. 

BSAB partners were provided with two options of providing feedback on their agency’s view of how the BSAB is performing. The first method was capturing qualitative information via a tool that was developed to support Safeguarding Adults Boards (SABs) examine whether they are meeting their statutory requirements under the Care Act 2014. This focused on reviewing the achievement of a list of 15 supplementary duties outlined within paragraph 14.139 of the Care Act 2014.

The second method was to capture quantitative information via an online survey via the BSAB Effectiveness survey.

Both formats were designed to assist in benchmarking the current performance of the BSAB as well as determining areas requiring further development. Partners were also given the opportunity to provide any additional comments to supplement this exercise during a Business Development Day that was held in January 2023.

The BSAB also took into consideration the views of the general public by reviewing & analysing over 100 responses to a public consultation survey; the findings were also discussed during the Business Development Day and supported with further developing the 2023-24 Business Plan.

This year all BSAB member agencies were given the opportunity to evaluate our current performance by completing the Safeguarding Adults Partnership Audit Tool (SAPAT), the findings of which informed our new BSAB 2024-25 Business Plan.

The work of the BSAB is delivered through the work of its subgroups, the following governance structure outlines how this is achieved. 

You can also view our previous business plans & strategy below.

BSAB 2023-24 Business Plan

BSAB 2022-24 Business Plan

BSAB 2020-23 Strategy

BSAB 2016-19 Strategy


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