Safeguarding Adult Review (SAR) publications
It is not currently a statutory requirement to publish reports however, it is recognised good practice to demonstrate the level of transparency and accountability needed to enable lessons to be learned as widely and thoroughly as possible. It is therefore our aim that all reports are published in full unless:
- publication could be deemed to be detrimental to the person’s wellbeing or
- the person, or their family member(s) who act/acted in the persons best interests, ask for the report not to be published
Where a report is not published for reasons mentioned above, we will produce a practice briefing containing learning identified to ensure professionals are able to understand what happened and, crucially, what needs to change in order to reduce the risk of similar tragic events happening in the future.
Making a SAR referral
SAR Referral Online Form

Bromley Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SARs)
June 2023
Deborah SAR 7minute Briefing

February 2023
Sylvia SAR
Sylvia SAR 7minute Briefing

February 2023
Catherine SAR
Catherine SAR Executive Summary
Catherine SAR Easy Read | Catherine SAR 7minute Briefing

October 2022
Ms Bubbles SAR
Ms Bubbles SAR Executive Summary
BSAB Webinar: Environmental Health - How can they help you and your clients! - Sarah Newman delivers a comprehensive session on Environmental Health, emphasising all public protection services available whilst also drawing on insights from the recent Ms Bubbles Safeguarding Adult Review (SAR).

August 2022
RC SAR - Executive Report
March 2019
Ms A SAR - Executive Summary
National Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SARs)
We can learn from local and national SARs that have been conducted and are now published, some of which you can find below.
Further SAR examples can be found in the National SAR library below.

Useful Information
2019 Triennial Analysis of Serious Case Reviews: Local safeguarding partnerships - July 2020

This briefing summarises themes emerging from the 2019 Triennial Analysis of Serious Case Reviews 2014-17, presenting key messages for local safeguarding partnerships.