Safeguarding adults awareness material
As part of the BSAB's safeguarding awareness communication plan, we have produced the following digital safeguarding adults posters, which can be downloaded and printed for further use.
BSAB Leaflets
Bromley Safeguarding Adults Board - Adult Child to Parent Abuse awareness leaflet (July 2024)
Bromley Safeguarding Adults Board & Trading Standards general awareness leaflet for those who may have a visual impairment, double-sided (June 2024)
Bromley Safeguarding Adults Board - general awareness leaflet (2023)
Bromley Safeguarding Adults Board awareness leaflet - Ukrainian translated (April 2022)
Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Quick - pocket guide (July 2021)
Self-Neglect leaflet (2021)
Safeguarding Adults Reviews (SAR) awareness leaflet (2021)
BSAB Posters (2020)
Additional materials
The BSAB Self-Neglect & Hoarding video.
Senior Metropolitan Police Officer shares her story of how her relationship turned into one of controlling behaviour and social isolation. Watch the video to hear more about Sharon's story.
Advocacy for All Leaflets
Independent Advocacy under the Care Act 2014
IMCA - Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy Service
Relevant Person’s Representative (RPR)
Care Settings Staff Support